The challenge??? - Post one picture every day for an entire year.
So here's me... Betsy- enjoying all aspects of life!

FYI: my OTHER blog http://betsymyers-dontforgettolaugh.blogspot.com/

January 14, 2010

Day 14 - A Baker's Dozen

Yesterday I posted a photo of my Grandma peeling potatoes for my dad's large family.  Well here they are... my grandparents front and center, and my dad's siblings.
back row: Bob, Ginny, Joe, Mary, Ann, Tom, Betty
front row: MY DAD BILL, Dan, Grandpa Joe, Sue, Grandma Virginia, Don, Lois, Gary

1 comment:

Michelle said...

THIS is incredible!!!!!!! I can't imagine all the personalities running around at home! lol..I love this, Betsy!


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